- Long-term precipitation:
- Water situation in France: Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes [update: 1 June] @auvergnerhalpes
- Water situation in Belgium: Antwerp [10 June] [update https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124751708364726274] @DOVdovVO
- Water usage restrictions
- Water usage situation in the EU (2015 data)
- How will the soil water content evolve, depending on future #emissions #SWICCA @CopernicusECMWF http://bit.ly/COP-SW
While recovering from the heatwave: and update on soil moisture, groundwater levels and water usage restrictions put in place in France and Belgium [part 1: https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124734200937054208]
What are long term evolutions, how did it change since April?
On heatwaves: evolution = clear https://t.co/QjBvukuJle
Long-term precipitation:
3-month Standard Precipitation Index [4/5/6] ↘️ since 70s in FR [Puy-de-Dome] and BE [Antwerp]
Monthly rainfall ↘️ in FR & BE
@CopernicusEU http://bit.ly/2NEM68O
SPI = number of st. dev. by which the observed anomaly deviates from long-term mean https://t.co/477FtrpHts
For an overview of long-term agricultural soil drought conditions (Combined Drought Indicator, CDI), see https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124734200937054208
Water situation in France: Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes [update: 1 June] @auvergnerhalpes
FR - Rainfall
Precipitation is 13 % below the long-term average, 13th driest month since 1959 http://bit.ly/309knhC https://t.co/fyKOEnSCWM
FR - Soil drought [update https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124750222675066881]
*Deficit up to 60 % in large parts of the region https://t.co/bldNFvvPUo
FR - Streamflow [update https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124750554167750658]
*Globally depressed streamflow: a majority of test points has an average flow rate below the ‘Five-Year Dry Flow’ [= monthly flow with a 4/5 probability of being exceeded each year] https://t.co/i42BakmXwN
FR - Groundwater levels [update https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124750801610653698]
*Low groundwater levels in majority of the region http://bit.ly/2NrUyYL https://t.co/tvrr2CFqnz
Water situation in Belgium: Antwerp [10 June] [update https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124751708364726274] @DOVdovVO
Groundwater levels - absolute measurement.
- 40 % of measuring points very low groundwater level (brown) https://t.co/MJ8HRkPTdp
Groundwater levels - relative measurement: historical comparison
- 20 % of locations historically low (brown), 50 % low and 30 % normal (white)
Groundwater levels - future expectation [http://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/node/288]
- Next month very low groundwater levels expected https://t.co/0yiol91sW0
Water usage restrictions
France - Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Region [update https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124751121090777088]
- Reinforced alert for regions around Clermont-Ferrand and Lyon : http://bit.ly/2RRAkWK https://t.co/hKvn8andT2
France - Country level [update https://twitter.com/FlorianDRX/status/1124751121090777088] @Min_Ecologie
- Reinforced water usage alerts around the whole country compared to April
Source: http://bit.ly/propluvia-FR https://t.co/RtroeKtgMi
Belgium - Antwerp province:
- Water usage restriction put in place for ecological reasons since 2nd of July by @prov_antwerpen, after introduction of new water usage restriction plan since the warm 2018 summer (http://bit.ly/2Ns8F01) https://t.co/o6YItajx63
Water usage situation in the EU (2015 data)
How will the soil water content evolve, depending on future #emissions #SWICCA @CopernicusECMWF http://bit.ly/COP-SW
Effect of future emissions on soil water content in @auvergnerhalpes region :