- Speaker Introduction: Lei Xiaomeng
- Current status
- Recent Projects : China-Korea Interconnection project
- Challenges and benefits of interconnections - Worldwide
- Overview of grid interconnection clusters and agreements
- Combining similar activities in one platform to avoid duplication of efforts
- Experiences from the North-East Asia Regional Power Interconnection and Cooperation Forums
- GEIDCO planning study of energy power flows between countries
- Case studies
- Way forward
- Questions and Answers
⏲️Starting in 5 minutes: @CEMSecretariat @Geidco_Official China’s Perspective on Northeast Asia Electricity Interconnection @fengzhou_GEIDCO @Zed40247448
Join the #webinar at https://t.co/bgtuG4XM29 https://t.co/FRcjP9JkQq
Speaker Introduction: Lei Xiaomeng
- Senior advisor of China Electricity Council (CEC) on regional international power interconnection (2016)
- Establishment of Northeast Regional Power Interconnection and Cooperation (NEARPIC) Forum
- NEARPIC steering committee member https://t.co/sb6zTnc7GL
…who will be speaking on
- Current status of northeast asia interconnection
- Recent power interconnection studies
- Key projects
- Challenges and benefits of regional power interconnection https://t.co/9CVeC2y07E
Current status
- Increased interconnection in 2019 https://t.co/6jMaperg88
#COVID2019 caused decrease in energy production/consumption in last quarter 2019 https://t.co/N5piu13R3D
On 13th five year PDP implementation plan: how do past targets compare with what has been achieved in 2020? https://t.co/PyLCvy1oaT
Recent Projects : China-Korea Interconnection project
Multiple agreements signed in 2019 between China, Japan, Russia, Korea on interconnection projects https://t.co/wJiezk0qtL
Mongolia gobi desert
[2bis] @Geidco_Official planning study on generating solar/wind energy in the mongolia Gobi desert, wind power in North-East China, hydro power in Russian Lena/Amur river basins and sea of Okhotsk / Sakhalin https://t.co/I4MlCj2nvG
Transmission lines
[2bis] Multiple transmission lines studied at the moment https://t.co/hztKok63CG
Evaluation studies
[2bis] Ongoing studies to evaluate
- How to connect Mongolian main and south grids
- Synchronisation of Russian grid with mongolian grid https://t.co/Lrogh3Uv3T
Key neighbouring countries interconnection projects
[3] Summary of key neighbouring countries interconnection projects https://t.co/Q16Cj392SG
Challenges and benefits of interconnections - Worldwide
Overview of grid interconnection clusters and agreements
Southern-Africa: SAPP EU: @ENTSO_E : @EU_Commission economic and political community Asia: GMS-RPTCC supported by @ADB_HQ ASEAN region … https://t.co/MF3nfg2i1d
Combining similar activities in one platform to avoid duplication of efforts
Experiences from the North-East Asia Regional Power Interconnection and Cooperation Forums
GEIDCO planning study of energy power flows between countries
Case: Mongolia, Russia, China, DPRK, ROK, Japan https://t.co/6Tv49Obx7f
cc @DamienERNST1 @nworbmot
Case studies
- REI Study
- Ongoing study on Silk Road Super Grid (64 countries, including Central Asian states, production and export to Europe, China, Japan and South Korea) https://t.co/kTEhWU6AmR
Way forward
- Consensus needed on priority projects, …
- Implementable road maps needed
- Promotion of regional interconnection through intergovernmental MOUs
- … https://t.co/0SfL7zLw8I
Questions and Answers
Q: @ned_downie: Who signed the agreement (between south korea, japan, …) and what means a joint development agreement between these countries?
(A: I leave that for @ned_downie to clarify ;) ) https://t.co/h42l3KbsUO
Q: Work is to be done to facilitate power trade (Korea, …) What could for example be the rules for access to transmission and price mechanism? What is the sequencing to develop those?
A: Interesting question. We need several steps, but the first one are transmission plans.
Q: What is the most important factor: increasing collaboration between countries, or facilitate increased transmission (and stabilisation) of low-carbon energy?
A: The most driving force is to share intermittend renewable energy. We need to do more studies on load profiles.
Q: @RobGramlichDC : How are grid contingency / grid interruptions handled? Is there a backup for interruptions?
A: There are very simple operational rules for this. … (@RobGramlichDC for more info)
Q: @Lifethinks : Are there day-ahead markets planned to be implemented?
A: Markets are considered on a regional level. But all countries have their own economic structure. We should be able to agree on simple regional rules.
Post-Q myself : Did the Silk Road Super Grid analysis include an assessment of carbon reduction potential of increased transmission line capacities? https://t.co/6GDEwuEjDp
@Geidco_Official @fengzhou_GEIDCO @Zed40247448, do you have a pointer / study reference to clarify this?