Count On Cooling Launch Event Webinar – Sustainable cooling, an enabler for a carbon neutral Europe

24 Mar 2020

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.@CountOnCooling @EPEESecretariat Sustainable Cooling as an enabler for decarbonisation - the big picture @AndreaVoigt2305 @JuttaPaulusRLP @BrianRMotherway @IEA @OBiancarelli @ENGIEgroup #CountOnCooling event started.

[0] Programme:

14.30 – 14.40 Setting the scene – Cooling at a crossroads: Joining forces to enable carbon neutrality Andrea Voigt, EPEE 14.40 – 15.10 Sustainable cooling in EU policies – A focus on the European Green Deal

14.40 – 14.55 The European Green Deal – the vision of the European Commission Hans Van Steen, European Commission, DG ENER (TBC) 14.55 – 15.10 The expectations of the European Parliament Jutta Paulus, Member of the European Parliament 15.10 –

15.40 Towards an integrated approach to cooling: Bringing energy efficiency & renewables together 15.10 – 15.20 Sustainable cooling & Energy efficiency Brian Motherway, International Energy Agency

15.20 – 15.30 Sustainable cooling & Renewables Roland Roesch, International Renewables Energy Agency 15.30 – 15.40 Sustainable cooling & Infrastructure Olivier Biancarelli, Engie & Tractebel 15.40 – 15.55 Q&A session with participants 15.55 – 16.00 Concluding remarks Andrea Voigt

The European Green Deal – the vision of the European Commission [Hans Van Steen, European Commission, DG ENER]

[1] Hans Van Steen @EU_Commission @Energy4Europe

Recalls that #EUGreenDeal is more important than ever.

Thanks organizers for going through with #CountonCooling event.

[1bis] Energy system integration is essential. This strategy should be delivered by the @EU_Commission by June 2020 (transport, agriculture, energy, heating/cooling : holistic view focusing on currently under-exploited synergy benefits).

Ex: waste heat recovery, smart mobility

[1bis] Currently not aiming at imposing legislation, but strategy can be used to point to most important areas.

Aiming to deliver building energy efficiency and renovation strategy by September 2020.

Strategy on offshore renewables upcoming.

[1bis] Collaboration with @EUClimateAction ongoing.

Looking for methodology (delegated act) - middle 2021, to integrate cooling, using national comprehensive assessment on heating and cooling (to be delivered to the @EU_Commission, end of 2019) within #EnergyEfficiency package

The expectations of the European Parliament [Jutta Paulus, Member of the European Parliament]

[2] @JuttaPaulusRLP @GreensEFA on the expectations of the @Europarl_EN

[2bis] @JuttaPaulusRLP mentions that the base of everything is renewable energy and the energy system, and that we should look at it holistically.


[2bis] @JuttaPaulusRLP : there is a huge problem of illegal F-gas transport and smuggling.

@EU_Commission should not refrain from enforcement

Further we need different targets (efficiency, sector coupling), energy system framework alignment, revision of energy tax directive)

[2bis] @JuttaPaulusRLP : We also need support for new technologies, that are now being out competed by distortive energy taxation regulation.

#EUGreenDeal should also work on circular economy, in addition to mitigate climate change

Sustainable cooling & Energy efficiency [Kevin Lane, Energy Efficiency Expert, International Energy Agency]

[3] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA will - from a global perspective - talk about cooling:


[3bis] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA Global demand in cooling will increase


[3bis] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA Air conditioning currently using 2000 TWh globally.

Accounting for increased demand, efficiency measures could mitigate 2800 TWh by 2050


[3bis] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA Efficient air conditioning can help dampen impact on energy system


[3bis] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA on investments


[3] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA Currently 1 Gt emissions from airconditioning (out of +- 30 Gt of worldwide energy system


[3] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA Building envelope measures can provide cooling


[3bis] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA

Mentions problem of fossil-fueled airconditioning in Europe at the moment

Globally only 3 % AC provided by heatpumps –> needs to reach 25 % by 2030


[3bis] @Kevin_Lane_Oxf @IEA on policy measures:


Q: Is worldwide airconditioning emission of 1 Gt calculated in CO2 or CO2eq, and what does it include?

A: This is only CO2 emissions (no CO2eq) of the energy system. Purely the energy system emissions. No production or other emissions are accounted for.

Sustainable cooling & Renewables [Roland Roesch, Deputy Director at the Innovation and Technology Center of the International Renewable Energy Agency]

[4] @RolandRsch @IRENA, professor economics, on:

[4bis] @RolandRsch @IRENA : system flexibility needs to improve

Sustainable cooling & Infrastructure Olivier Biancarelli, Executive Vice President, Engie & CEO of Tractebel

[5] @OBiancarelli, Vice President @ENGIEgroup @Tractebel @engieimpact, former advisor @gouvernementFR on district cooling


[5bis] @OBiancarelli, Vice President @ENGIEgroup @Tractebel @engieimpact


[5bis] @OBiancarelli #CountonCooling : why district cooling?

+: more efficient, less emissions / water / electricity / chemicals compared to airconditioning

Today: 3.6 billion AC appliances in use, projected to be 9.5 billion in 2050 -> room for more efficient district cooling!

[5bis] @OBiancarelli #CountonCooling : @ENGIEgroup references in district heating and cooling systems worldwide

[5bis] @OBiancarelli #CountonCooling : things are happening beyond europe, for example:

[5bis] @OBiancarelli #CountonCooling : different business models.

[5bis] @OBiancarelli #CountonCooling : district cooling competitive, specifically in large urban areas

Design contracts and standards in order to facilitate this.